Why we say WomXn


In the words of the Womxn’s March organizer Ebony Miranda, “women are those affected by misogyny, or women-related issues.”

We want the safe space that we’ve been crafting for over a decade to be welcome to ALL who crave lifelong sisterhood. We have never and will never deny entrance into our free programs for non-binary and gender non-conforming people. All who take up arms against misogyny and fight daily battles to break glass ceilings are invited into our world of womxnhood. We don’t just want to pay lip-service to our gender non-conforming and non-binary youth! We use WOMXN so they know that they’re welcome here!


Eli Erlick, a transgender organizer and Ph.D. student in feminist studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, began using “womxn” on social media in the past few months, even though her feelings about the term are complicated. “We are fighting for womanhood, just to be recognized in the first place,” she said. “But I embrace ‘womxn,’ It allows us to define ourselves outside of the context of being men, but also to recognize that there are different ways to be a woman.”

Learn more about the Etymology of “woman” here

Learn about our partners at the Lola who celebrate Womxnhood & Entrepreneurship through safe co-working space